Health Insurance Delaware
According to the United Health Foundation’s 2011 America’s Health Rankings, Delaware is ranked the 30th healthiest state in the United States. To put that in its proper perspective, Delaware has climbed up in ranking by two whole slots.
With overall American health on a decline due to preventable diseases such as diabetes and obesity, Delaware is making improvements in its health ranking in comparison to other states in the nation. Even with a fifty percent increase in adult diabetes over the past decade and adult obesity numbers on the rise, Delaware still managed to rise above its previous position according to the foundation’s findings.
Health Insurance Delaware: Pros
• Fewer preventable hospitalizations today than two years ago
• Decreased percentage of adults who smoke
Health Insurance Delaware: Cons
• The rate of adult obesity in Delaware has doubled in the past 10 years.
• Cases of adults with diabetes have jumped up 50 percent
Since 2010, Delaware has been offering health care insurance coverage for Delaware residents that represent what is termed a state-sponsored “high risk pool.” High risk pools are state sponsored programs that allow for Delaware residents with a personal or family history of medical problems to purchase health care insurance coverage despite previously existing conditions.
These pools vary from state to state, but they provide for residents who can afford to pay for their own care but may not qualify for underwritten health care insurance due to their medical history or current health condition.
Such a program can alleviate some of the fears and worries for many residents associated with rising health care costs as well as the selection of employment opportunities due to the potential loss of benefits such as health care coverage.
More information on this program and similar programs may be found online. Search “health insurance Delaware” or “state health insurance Delaware” through your Internet browser’s search engine. Other programs that are offered for senior citizens and the self employed may be found to provide the health insurance Delaware residents need to continue raising the health status of the state.