Where you live can have a large impact on your health. Maine is a beautiful place to live, but it does have its ups and downs in terms of average health. As of 2012, Maine is the 9th healthiest state in the country according to the United Health Foundation. That is a great sign for those considering moving to Maine, but when it comes to the cost of health insurance Maine does have a few things working against it.
Health Insurance Maine: Obesity Rate
When it comes to the cost of purchasing health insurance Maine has a big issue working against its residents. The obesity rates in Maine have been steadily climbing for over a decade. Obesity is a major contributor to many health problems, and because of this it often drives up health insurance premiums in areas that have a high level of it.
Health Insurance Maine: Cancer
Maine has a higher than average rate of deaths from cancer. While Maine has the 9th overall raking for good health, it is all the way down at the 40th spot when ranked for cancer.
Health Insurance Maine: High Rate of Smokers
Maine has a high rate of citizens that smoke. Smoking is bad for your health and related to many costly medical maladies. When it comes to the cost of health insurance Maine residents are likely feeling a hit from this one.
While there are a few negative things about health in Maine, overall it is one of the healthier places to live in the US. It is near the top of the list for the healthiest states, and it has many good health statistics in its favor including:
• Low infant mortality and good birth weights
• Low rate of uninsured citizens
• Low violent crime rate
• Smoking rate is in decline
• High prevalence of active lifestyles