For most people, their health is one of the most important aspects of their lives. Knowing the health factors in your current area can help you better improve your health factors. North Dakota is currently the 12th healthiest state to live in according to the United Health Foundation. Why was it only ranked 12th? What made it surpass most of the other states?
Health Insurance North Dakota: Benefits
North Dakota is actually a great state to live in because it does pretty well statistically when it comes to health factors. For example, North Dakota comes home with the Silver when it comes to air quality, as they rank number two in this area. Also, North Dakota residents get to enjoy having plenty physical and mental health days compared to many of the other states. However, even though North Dakota has these amazing benefits, there are some downfalls to living in this area as well.
Health Insurance North Dakota: Downfalls
North Dakota is a great state, but it has some faults of its own that it could improve on to improve its health statistics. First of all, it ranked 38th when it came to occupational fatalities, meaning that it has one of the highest rates of death while on the job in the country. Sadly, it also has one of the highest infant mortality rates as well. However, the worst health factor in North Dakota is the binge drinking. North Dakota ranks 49th out of the 50 states in binge drinking.
Health Insurance North Dakota: Conclusion
Health insurance North Dakota may be a good idea. Health insurance North Dakota will provide you with health benefits should you ever be in need of it. It is better to be safe with health insurance North Dakota than to find out one day that you actually need it!