Healthy Living and Health Insurance Idaho
Idaho is generally considered to one of the healthiest states in the nation to live in. Recent health rankings which categorize the best state to live in for good health have ranked Idaho near the top coming being among the top 10 states in the 2010 health rankings by the United Health Foundation.
Health Insurance Idaho: Benefits
The state had been many strong points which attract people to living there. One of the highest and the most well known is the very low crime rate, particularly of violent crime. Despite high rates of gun ownership of individuals, there is very little violence with the use of firearms.
This low crime has attracted many families to living in the state where they feel they are safer to live. Other strengths for the state include a low rate of preventable hospitalizations which indicate less accidents over all as well. There is also a lower risk of infectious disease preventing individuals from getting sick.
Health Insurance Idaho: Challenges
Despite good strengths there are some incredible challenges facing the state health wise. The two biggest are the high amounts of uninsured individuals and a severe lack of practicing physicians. Idaho comes in dead last regarding the number of working doctors proportionately to patients which puts people at risk and also may cause physicians to overwork or to have too large of a patient load to contend with.
The high number of uninsured is also a concern to patients and doctors. It is a risk that should something happen to an uninsured person they will not be able to get proper care for lack of insurance and money available to pay for treatment.
There is a need to provide more health insurance Idaho and to lure more doctors to practice in the state. Some doctors might consider moving if they knew there was a better health insurance Idaho outcome. Current studies are ongoing to see how it may be possible to change both of these health issues.
The state of Idaho is considered to be one of the most scenic and full of natural wonders. It’s problems are tempered by the beauty of the land and friendliness of the people. Overall it is decently a healthy state compared to many others but still has a ways to go though it is a good place to live. Health insurance Idaho could help to give it all back as positives making the state even better.