Health Insurance Hawaii
The state of Hawaii is number four out of all 50 states in the country for the quality of health of its residents. The government, using a combination of state and federal programs, has produced a system where few people have fallen through the cracks. There has also been a concerted effort with the private sector to help expand private health insurance Hawaii wherever possible. The following is a glance at how Hawaii measures up to the rest of the country.
Categories where Hawaii is ranked first or second
Government Funding of Health Care
Hawaii is number one in the nation in helping its residents with health insurance Hawaii has various government programs to help assure that as many people as possible get the medical attention they need. This alone has had a strong influence in their overall ranking of number four.
Number of Uninsured People
This is closely tied to the public funding of health care and helps to make Hawaii place number two in the nation for states with the lowest percentage of uninsured people. Health insurance Hawaii can be obtained by most people in this state.
Low Mortality Rates For Major Diseases
Hawaii has low mortality rates for many major health issues. The state ranks second in mortality rates related to cancer and deaths related to heart disease.
Categories where Hawaii is ranked poorly
There are a few areas where Hawaii needs to place more attention to its population.
At this time, Hawaii ranks only 29th in the nation and needs to work on bringing greater vaccination coverage to people who are young and old.
Alcohol abuse
More specifically it is in the area of binge drinking that is the biggest problem. This is an area that needs to be addressed through better health education, especially with younger people in the state.