Did you know that Oregon is one of the healthiest states in the country again this year? There are many reasons why people choose to live in Oregon, and their access to great health care, as well as lowered risk of health problems due to environmental factors are just a few that come to mind. You may be surprised to find that health insurance Oregon has discovered:
• There are a lower number of smokers in Oregon than in most states within the greater US.
• A lessened rate of hospitalizations that could have been prevented.
• Lower levels of air pollution in Oregon.
These factors greatly decrease the health problems for the general public in Oregon, which is what makes it one of the happiest and healthiest places to live. When health insurance Oregon companies took a deeper look at these statistics, this is what they found.
• 448,000 adults smoke in Oregon, out of a population of 3,871,859. In the last ten years, the number went from 20.7 percent of adults to 15.1 percent.
Children are less at risk for medical problems in Oregon, as well. The state ranks third for least number of infant mortalities. Though all of these statistics are positive, Oregon does face challenges in the department of healthy weight, with obesity increasing in many areas, while in other states the obesity rates are lowering.
Attainable Health Insurance Oregon
There is a reason that only 16.56% of Oregon residents lack health insurance: there are many insurance options that citizens of this great state can use. Out of the 3,780,230 residents in the state, over 1,000,000 are enrolled in health insurance Oregon HMO programs.
For people who cannot afford insurance only by their own means, there are many resources including Oregon Health Plan- a federally funded program, HealthlyOregon- which gives residents financial help for prescriptions, and programs through the Oregon Department of Human Services. The department has many local offices that help individuals meet their health insurance needs.
With more people putting down packs of cigarettes, obesity rates slowly lowering, and more resources available through public outreach, Oregon will remain one of the healthiest places in the United States.